Migrating to React Query 3

Previous versions of React Query were awesome and brought some amazing new features, more magic, and an overall better experience to the library. They also brought on massive adoption and likewise a lot of refining fire (issues/contributions) to the library and brought to light a few things that needed more polish to make the library even better. v3 contains that very polish.


  • More scalable and testable cache configuration
  • Better SSR support
  • Data-lag (previously usePaginatedQuery) anywhere!
  • Bi-directional Infinite Queries
  • Query data selectors!
  • Fully configure defaults for queries and/or mutations before use
  • More granularity for optional rendering optimization
  • New useQueries hook! (Variable-length parallel query execution)
  • Query filter support for the useIsFetching() hook!
  • Retry/offline/replay support for mutations
  • Observe queries/mutations outside of React
  • Use the React Query core logic anywhere you want!
  • Bundled/Colocated Devtools via react-query/devtools
  • Cache Persistence to localstorage (experimental via react-query/persist-localstorage-experimental)

Breaking Changes

The QueryCache has been split into a QueryClient and lower-level QueryCache and MutationCache instances.

The QueryCache contains all queries, the MutationCache contains all mutations, and the QueryClient can be used to set configuration and to interact with them.

This has some benefits:

  • Allows for different types of caches.
  • Multiple clients with different configurations can use the same cache.
  • Clients can be used to track queries, which can be used for shared caches on SSR.
  • The client API is more focused towards general usage.
  • Easier to test the individual components.

When creating a new QueryClient(), a QueryCache and MutationCache are automatically created for you if you don't supply them.

import { QueryClient } from 'react-query'
const queryClient = new QueryClient()

ReactQueryConfigProvider and ReactQueryCacheProvider have both been replaced by QueryClientProvider

Default options for queries and mutations can now be specified in QueryClient:

const queryClient = new QueryClient({
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
// query options
mutations: {
// mutation options

The QueryClientProvider component is now used to connect a QueryClient to your application:

import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from 'react-query'
const queryClient = new QueryClient()
function App() {
return <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>...</QueryClientProvider>

The default QueryCache is gone. For real this time!

As previously noted with a deprecation, there is no longer a default QueryCache that is created or exported from the main package. You must create your own via new QueryClient() or new QueryCache() (which you can then pass to new QueryClient({ queryCache }) )

The deprecated makeQueryCache utility has been removed.

It's been a long time coming, but it's finally gone :)

QueryCache.prefetchQuery() has been moved to QueryClient.prefetchQuery()

The new QueryClient.prefetchQuery() function is async, but does not return the data from the query. If you require the data, use the new QueryClient.fetchQuery() function

// Prefetch a query:
await queryClient.prefetchQuery('posts', fetchPosts)
// Fetch a query:
try {
const data = await queryClient.fetchQuery('posts', fetchPosts)
} catch (error) {
// Error handling

ReactQueryErrorResetBoundary/QueryCache.resetErrorBoundaries() have been replaced by QueryErrorResetBoundary/useQueryErrorResetBoundary().

Together, these provide the same experience as before, but with added control to choose which component trees you want to reset. For more information, see:

QueryCache.getQuery() has been replaced by QueryCache.find().

QueryCache.find() should now be used to look up individual queries from a cache

QueryCache.getQueries() has been moved to QueryCache.findAll().

QueryCache.findAll() should now be used to look up multiple queries from a cache

QueryCache.isFetching has been moved to QueryClient.isFetching().

Notice that it's now a function instead of a property

The useQueryCache hook has been replaced by the useQueryClient hook.

It returns the provided queryClient for its component tree and shouldn't need much tweaking beyond a rename.

Query key parts/pieces are no longer automatically spread to the query function.

Inline functions are now the suggested way of passing parameters to your query functions:

// Old
useQuery(['post', id], (_key, id) => fetchPost(id))
// New
useQuery(['post', id], () => fetchPost(id))

If you still insist on not using inline functions, you can use the newly passed QueryFunctionContext:

useQuery(['post', id], context => fetchPost(context.queryKey[1]))

Infinite Query Page params are now passed via QueryFunctionContext.pageParam

They were previously added as the last query key parameter in your query function, but this proved to be difficult for some patterns

// Old
useInfiniteQuery(['posts'], (_key, pageParam = 0) => fetchPosts(pageParam))
// New
useInfiniteQuery(['posts'], ({ pageParam = 0 }) => fetchPost(pageParam))

usePaginatedQuery() has been deprecated in favor of the keepPreviousData option

The new keepPreviousData options is available for both useQuery and useInfiniteQuery and will have the same "lagging" effect on your data:

import { useQuery } from 'react-query'
function Page({ page }) {
const { data } = useQuery(['page', page], fetchPage, {
keepPreviousData: true,

useInfiniteQuery() is now bi-directional

The useInfiniteQuery() interface has changed to fully support bi-directional infinite lists.

  • options.getFetchMore has been renamed to options.getNextPageParam
  • queryResult.canFetchMore has been renamed to queryResult.hasNextPage
  • queryResult.fetchMore has been renamed to queryResult.fetchNextPage
  • queryResult.isFetchingMore has been renamed to queryResult.isFetchingNextPage
  • Added the options.getPreviousPageParam option
  • Added the queryResult.hasPreviousPage property
  • Added the queryResult.fetchPreviousPage property
  • Added the queryResult.isFetchingPreviousPage
  • The data of an infinite query is now an object containing the pages and the pageParams used to fetch the pages: { pages: [data, data, data], pageParams: [...]}

One direction:

const {
} = useInfiniteQuery(
({ pageParam = 0 }) => fetchProjects(pageParam),
getNextPageParam: (lastPage, pages) => lastPage.nextCursor,

Both directions:

const {
} = useInfiniteQuery(
({ pageParam = 0 }) => fetchProjects(pageParam),
getNextPageParam: (lastPage, pages) => lastPage.nextCursor,
getPreviousPageParam: (firstPage, pages) => firstPage.prevCursor,

One direction reversed:

const {
} = useInfiniteQuery(
({ pageParam = 0 }) => fetchProjects(pageParam),
select: data => ({
pages: [...data.pages].reverse(),
pageParams: [...data.pageParams].reverse(),
getNextPageParam: (lastPage, pages) => lastPage.nextCursor,

Infinite Query data now contains the array of pages and pageParams used to fetch those pages.

This allows for easier manipulation of the data and the page params, like, for example, removing the first page of data along with it's params:

queryClient.setQueryData('projects', data => ({
pages: data.pages.slice(1),
pageParams: data.pageParams.slice(1),

useMutation now returns an object instead of an array

Though the old way gave us warm fuzzy feelings of when we first discovered useState for the first time, they didn't last long. Now the mutation return is a single object.

// Old:
const [mutate, { status, reset }] = useMutation()
// New:
const { mutate, status, reset } = useMutation()

mutation.mutate no longer return a promise

  • The [mutate] variable has been changed to the mutation.mutate function
  • Added the mutation.mutateAsync function

We got a lot of questions regarding this behavior as users expected the promise to behave like a regular promise.

Because of this the mutate function is now split into a mutate and mutateAsync function.

The mutate function can be used when using callbacks:

const { mutate } = useMutation(addTodo)
mutate('todo', {
onSuccess: data => {
onError: error => {
onSettled: () => {

The mutateAsync function can be used when using async/await:

const { mutateAsync } = useMutation(addTodo)
try {
const data = await mutateAsync('todo')
} catch (error) {
} finally {

The object syntax for useQuery now uses a collapsed config:

// Old:
queryKey: 'posts',
queryFn: fetchPosts,
config: { staleTime: Infinity },
// New:
queryKey: 'posts',
queryFn: fetchPosts,
staleTime: Infinity,

If set, the QueryOptions.enabled option must be a boolean (true/false)

The enabled query option will now only disable a query when the value is false. If needed, values can be casted with !!userId or Boolean(userId) and a handy error will be thrown if a non-boolean value is passed.

The QueryOptions.initialStale option has been removed

The initialStale query option has been removed and initial data is now treated as regular data. Which means that if initialData is provided, the query will refetch on mount by default. If you do not want to refetch immediately, you can define a staleTime.

The QueryOptions.forceFetchOnMount option has been replaced by refetchOnMount: 'always'

Honestly, we were acruing way too many refetchOn____ options, so this should clean things up.

The QueryOptions.refetchOnMount options now only applies to its parent component instead of all query observers

When refetchOnMount was set to false any additional components were prevented from refetching on mount. In version 3 only the component where the option has been set will not refetch on mount.

The QueryOptions.queryFnParamsFilter has been removed in favor of the new QueryFunctionContext object.

The queryFnParamsFilter option has been removed because query functions now get a QueryFunctionContext object instead of the query key.

Parameters can still be filtered within the query function itself as the QueryFunctionContext also contains the query key.

The QueryOptions.notifyOnStatusChange option has been superceded by the new notifyonChangeProps and notifyOnChangePropsExclusions options.

With these new options it is possible to configure when a component should re-render on a granular level.

Only re-render when the data or error properties change:

import { useQuery } from 'react-query'
function User() {
const { data } = useQuery('user', fetchUser, {
notifyOnChangeProps: ['data', 'error'],
return <div>Username: {data.username}</div>

Prevent re-render when the isStale property changes:

import { useQuery } from 'react-query'
function User() {
const { data } = useQuery('user', fetchUser, {
notifyOnChangePropsExclusions: ['isStale'],
return <div>Username: {data.username}</div>

The QueryResult.clear() function has been renamed to QueryResult.remove()

Although it was called clear, it really just removed the query from the cache. The name now matches the functionality.

The QueryResult.updatedAt property has been split into QueryResult.dataUpdatedAt and QueryResult.errorUpdatedAt properties

Because data and errors can be present at the same time, the updatedAt property has been split into dataUpdatedAt and errorUpdatedAt.

setConsole() has been replaced by the new setLogger() function

import { setLogger } from 'react-query'
// Log with Sentry
error: error => {
// Log with Winston

React Native no longer requires overriding the logger

To prevent showing error screens in React Native when a query fails it was necessary to manually change the Console:

import { setConsole } from 'react-query'
log: console.log,
warn: console.warn,
error: console.warn,

In version 3 this is done automatically when React Query is used in React Native.

New features

Query Data Selectors

The useQuery and useInfiniteQuery hooks now have a select option to select or transform parts of the query result.

import { useQuery } from 'react-query'
function User() {
const { data } = useQuery('user', fetchUser, {
select: user => user.username,
return <div>Username: {data}</div>

Set the notifyOnChangeProps option to ['data', 'error'] to only re-render when the selected data changes.

The useQueries() hook, for variable-length parallel query execution

Wish you could run useQuery in a loop? The rules of hooks say no, but with the new useQueries() hook, you can!

import { useQueries } from 'react-query'
function Overview() {
const results = useQueries([
{ queryKey: ['post', 1], queryFn: fetchPost },
{ queryKey: ['post', 2], queryFn: fetchPost },
return (
{results.map(({ data }) => data && <li key={data.id}>{data.title})</li>)}

Retry/offline mutations

By default React Query will not retry a mutation on error, but it is possible with the retry option:

const mutation = useMutation(addTodo, {
retry: 3,

If mutations fail because the device is offline, they will be retried in the same order when the device reconnects.

Persist mutations

Mutations can now be persisted to storage and resumed at a later point. More information can be found in the mutations documentation.


A QueryObserver can be used to create and/or watch a query:

const observer = new QueryObserver(queryClient, { queryKey: 'posts' })
const unsubscribe = observer.subscribe(result => {


A InfiniteQueryObserver can be used to create and/or watch an infinite query:

const observer = new InfiniteQueryObserver(queryClient, {
queryKey: 'posts',
queryFn: fetchPosts,
getNextPageParam: (lastPage, allPages) => lastPage.nextCursor,
getPreviousPageParam: (firstPage, allPages) => firstPage.prevCursor,
const unsubscribe = observer.subscribe(result => {


A QueriesObserver can be used to create and/or watch multiple queries:

const observer = new QueriesObserver(queryClient, [
{ queryKey: ['post', 1], queryFn: fetchPost },
{ queryKey: ['post', 2], queryFn: fetchPost },
const unsubscribe = observer.subscribe(result => {

Set default options for specific queries

The QueryClient.setQueryDefaults() method can be used to set default options for specific queries:

queryClient.setQueryDefaults('posts', { queryFn: fetchPosts })
function Component() {
const { data } = useQuery('posts')

Set default options for specific mutations

The QueryClient.setMutationDefaults() method can be used to set default options for specific mutations:

queryClient.setMutationDefaults('addPost', { mutationFn: addPost })
function Component() {
const { mutate } = useMutation('addPost')


The useIsFetching() hook now accepts filters which can be used to for example only show a spinner for certain type of queries:

const fetches = useIsFetching(['posts'])

Core separation

The core of React Query is now fully separated from React, which means it can also be used standalone or in other frameworks. Use the react-query/core entrypoint to only import the core functionality:

import { QueryClient } from 'react-query/core'

Devtools are now part of the main repo and npm package

The devtools are now included in the react-query package itself under the import react-query/devtools. Simply replace react-query-devtools imports with react-query/devtools

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